The fourth doctor recommended seeing Dr. Munson. Dr. Munson examined her and was certain, also, it was cancer. He said surgery was NOT an option for her. He recommended the radiation/chemotherapy, but needed to know if it was invasive or noninvasive. Thus, a more extensive biopsy -- requiring general anesthesia -- was scheduled for the first of September 2009.
Several days prior to the biopsy, mother and my sister Connie attended the annual camp meeting near their homes. After service the evangelist ask for anyone wanting prayer for physical needs to come forward. Connie told mother: "God is going to heal you -- let's go forward"!! They did and mother was anointed and prayed for. My sister and I have both grown up in church and are not strangers to the moving of the Holy Spirit and the presence of God, but Connie said God's presence was there in such a spectacular way that she could hardly believe it!!!! After the prayer, Connie said: "Well mother -- God has healed you"!
The first of September she went for the biopsy that Dr. Munson had scheduled. Mom's last visit with Dr. Munson was September 26, 2009. He came in and said these words:
"Well, I did multiple biopsies and
looked carefully at the area.
I don't understand why it is not,
but IT IS NOT CANCER!!!!!!!!!!!
Every other person I have ever seen
with this condition, looking the way
this looks, it has always been cancer."
All through this journey, mother has claimed John 14:13-14 for healing. What she has is a surface condition and in comparison is a first cousin to cancer -- but it is NOT cancer. Our family believes that when God does something, he does not do it halfway! He has performed the work and we give him all the praise and glory for the healing of my mother!!!!!!!!!!!!!